Tigh Mhíchíl

詩 音楽 アイルランド


Ichiro the Throwback (4)


 Baseball Crank の2001年5月2日の記事 Ichiro the Throwback の抜書きの続きです(太字は私)。



Extra base hits were also rare, for less obvious reasons - it's hard to pull the ball at 50 feet, and few hitters stood taller than 5 foot 6 - but mostly because of the stress placed on putting the ball in play. The reason why is directly connected to the absence of gloves: in each of the NL's first five seasons, there were more unearned runs than earned runs scored, and it wasn’t until 1906 that the average number of unearned runs dropped below 1 per game. Given the ease of making contact (when you knew where the pitch would be) and the payoff in errors as well as singles from putting the ball in play, it was a sensible strategy to pick a team on the basis of who was best at just making solid contact on a regular basis. A strikeout was a lost opportunity to induce an error. As Keeler said, "hit 'em where they ain't;" but also hit 'em where they are and hope they drop the ball.





 傑作なのは、206安打記録保持者の Wee Willie Keeler の言葉です。「野手のいないところに打て」。もし、野手のいるところに打ったならば、落とすのを期待せよと。
